The annual Summer Camp of the Kimusubi Dojos, this year is organized by Musubi Aikido Italia and will be held in Italy in the splendid setting of Cogoleto (Genoa) from 26 to 28 July 2019.
The seminar will be held by:
Fabio Branno Sensei (President Musubi Aikido Italia)
Jorg Kretzschmar Sensei (Germany - Deshi of Endo Seishiro Shihan)
Luis Mochon Sensei (Spain - Deshi of Endo Seishiro Shihan)
- Full seminar fee with payment by bank transfer by 15/06/2019: 60 €
- Full seminar fee with payment by bank transfer after 15/06/2019: € 80
- Full seminar fee paid on site: € 90
- Single Keiko fee: € 30
Download the following files:
- Registration Form
- Hotel List
- Cogoleto: where it is and how to get there
- Program and Poster
Please note that from 15/06/2019 the fees paid will NOT be refunded